ABC's: The Foundations of Learning
ABC: A Better Citizen And what does it mean to be a Global Citizen? Well, I think it’s quite obvious: a citizen of the world. Does that literally mean that I go into life thinking I can become a literal citizen of each country, obtaining tangible documents from each country to prove that I belong to 195 nations? No! It means that I look to respect and be respected wherever I go. I interact, relate, and connect with those low and high, no background check required. Now, many may look at this as an innocent view of the world. “How do you expect everyone to respect you?” “How do you expect to just like everyone you’re put in front of, every person that crosses your path?” That’s what the critic and judge say inside me when I make a declaration as big as I will respect and be respected by every person I encounter. That is a tremendous feat. People are difficult. I know cause I’m difficult. The fact of the matter is no one likes the same cup of tea. Respect is a decisi...