
Showing posts from February 22, 2022

ABC's: The Foundations of Learning

ABC: A Better Citizen And what does it mean to be a Global Citizen?   Well, I think it’s quite obvious: a citizen of the world. Does that literally mean that I go into life thinking I can become a literal citizen of each country, obtaining tangible documents from each country to prove that I belong to 195 nations? No! It means that I look to respect and be respected wherever I go. I interact, relate, and connect with those low and high, no background check required.   Now, many may look at this as an innocent view of the world. “How do you expect everyone to respect you?” “How do you expect to just like everyone you’re put in front of, every person that crosses your path?” That’s what the critic and judge say inside me when I make a declaration as big as I will respect and be respected by every person I encounter. That is a tremendous feat. People are difficult. I know cause I’m difficult. The fact of the matter is no one likes the same cup of tea. Respect is a decisi...

Le marin malin (ou tout simplement, le Malin)

Avec un regard intense et les yeux louchés, il examine l’horizon pour voir les frégates qui lui indiquent où est la grande prise du jour : « Là-bas ! » crie-t-il joyeusement, dès qu’il les voit.             Il se dépêche frénétiquement au gouvernail et le saisit de ses mains calleuses qui montrent son dur labeur. Le vrombissement du moteur s’intensifie alors qu’il pousse la commande du gaz se chasse la proie comme un guépard, vite et concentré. Ce n’est pas sa première journée au travail, c’est assuré ; en fait il est pratiquement né sur le bateau, suivant les traces de son père depuis sa naissance. Passant ses jours sous le soleil chaleureux a rendu son teint bronzé et l’océan est comme un miroir, réfléchissant ses yeux azurés.             Des thons énormes sautent de l’eau cristalline et il sait qu’il arrive au bon endroit. Il est maintenant temp...

Neverland, Everland, Foreverland?

Neverland, Everland, Foreverland? The Promises of Peter Pan Why did Peter Pan never want to grow up? It wasn’t like he knew what adulthood was about. He never grew up!   However, he held on so tightly to the rails of his childhood that he assumed he’d have to give it up when he grew up. Perhaps, along his travels, he met some Scrooge’s, a few grumpy adults that put a bad taste in his mouth. Maybe the glory of youth was too much to let go of. Who knows? What we do know is that adulthood entails reality. There’s no escaping what’s under your nose. Staring blatantly at what’s in front of you, making eye contact with it and never breaking it. You don’t want to show weakness, not anymore at least. When you were a child, it was okay to cry, throw tantrums and recover all within 20 minutes and go on about your day business as usual. But now, that’s no longer acceptable. Those twenty minutes allotted to your release of feelings are no longer tied to you at the age of twenty. ...

Sharon - My First Share

“It’s best to share.” Or is it?   What’s yours is yours. What’s mine is mine. What’s yours is mine. What’s mine is yours. What’s mine is mine. What’s yours is mine.   When is the best time to share? Whenever you’re ready. Share what exactly? Your story, your food, whatever it is that belongs to you.   Generous (adjective), willing and happy to give to others.   But what if I give too much? What if I overshare?   I can remember when Twitter first became popularised in the early 2010’s. People just sharing their thoughts. That’s a diary, isn’t it? I could never get the hang of it, no matter how many accounts I made. But now, there’s this weight of what you post must be witty. What you say must count. It’s no longer just sharing random thoughts with friends (at least if you want to go viral). It’s you sharing with people the best part of yourself. Things which you think matter. Well, what if you share and it’s not well received? What if i...